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19th Dr.D.R.Gadgil Memorial Lecture by Dr.Krishnamurthy Subrahmanian
October 15, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 5:00 pm
On 15th Oct, Dr.Avinash and Omraj Patil had attended 19th Dr.D.R.Gadgil Memorial Lecture by Dr.Krishnamurthy Subrahmanian, Executive Director of International Monetary Fund , Washington DC and Former Economic Advisor to Govt.of India and tone set by Shri.Sundararaman Ramamurthy MD & CEO BSE Ltd, organised by Maharashtra Economic Development Council at Y.B Chavan Auditorium Mumbai

L to R – Dr.Krishnamurthy Subrahmanian, Executive Director of International Monetary Fund , Washington and Former Economic Advisor to Govt.of India , Shri.Sundararaman Ramamurthy MD & CEO BSE Ltd, Dr.Avinash K.Dalal(Nallawala) National President AIMA-MSME & Omraj Patil – National Coordinator AlMA-MSME